
Eli Vokounova

Fractal artist, dreamer, doer. Yep, that's me. I've been doing fractal art for over 10 years, started out as a teenage hobbyist and gradually turned this quirky hobby into full blown profession. Life gets funny like that... Oh, almost forgot - you may also know me as Keila Neokow, that's an alias that I use across microstock websites to keep my artworks and stock images separate.
    Eli Vokounova

    Fractal artist, stock image creator & graphic designer of sorts

    Eli Vokounova

    Fractal artworks imbued with feelings and visions, shared across the internet


    To make the abstract art less abstract, artworks are available in various e-shops as - very tangible indeed - prints

    Graphic design

    Fractal art can be applied anywhere - from book covers, website headers to apparel and anything else you can imagine

    Graphic design
Love my work? I can create custom art/graphics just for you!
Apparel design, book cover, website background or something totally different? I'm up to any challenge, just ask - contact form is above

4 reasons to hire me

Skill & Learning

Knowing various styles and techniques after 10 years of doing fractal art comes in handy. However, there are always new ones to master, so even after 10 years of being at it, I learn new things all the time.


Since 2008, I worked on various projects for both individuals and companies from all over the world. I created book covers, scarf patterns, fabric designs, website backgrounds, jewlery desings, ...


Some artists create to simply capture beauty, others pour their heart and soul into their artworks. I'm the latter kind, always striving to put certain vision and emotions into my art.

One of a kind

You'd have a darn hard time trying to find an artist who can do what I do. Maybe I'm special, or maybe there's just not abundance of skilled and experienced fractal artists who make art for living.